Thursday, March 6, 2014

Unsupervised outlier detection for categorical variable

In this article, I will discuss about an outlier detection technique called Attribute Value Frequency (AVF) for categorical data. This is a part of series of blogs I intend to write on outlier detection methods. AVF method is attributed to Anna Koufakau (Scalable and Efficient Outlier Detection in Large Distributed Data Sets with Mixed-Type Attributes).

The intuition behind AVF; outliers tend to occur infrequently in a dataset. Tuples are scored based on frequency of individual attribute values. Tuples with low AVF scores are marked as outliers.
Assume X = {x1,x2,x3…..xn} is the given dataset having n tuples ,each tuple with m attributes,
 xi = {xi1,xi2…..xim} where  1 <= i <= n.

The function in the formula is frequency count of attribute j’s value. If a tuple has rare values for each of its attribute, due to summation, its overall score will be low. Thus at the end of the exercise, by arranging the tuples in increasing order of AVF score, the top K tuples are identified as outliers.
Given the summation nature of the calculation, the algorithm can be coded up using map reduce paradigm. The pseudo-code below implements AVF using map- reduce constructs.

Map (LineNumber,Row)
                For each col in Row
                                Emit ( colNumber + colValue,1)

Reduce ( key (colNumber + colValue ),  List )
                Total = sum ( all list values)

The output of Reduce is used in the next map reduce. Assume it’s a hashmap named as CountDict.

Map (LineNumber,Row)
                Sum = 0
For each col in Row
                Key = colNumber + colValue
                Count = CountDict(Key)
                                Sum = sum + count
Reduce (Key (Sum),List)
                For row in List
                                Emit (Key, row)


  1.  Scalable and Efficient Outlier Detection in Large Distributed Data Sets with Mixed-Type Attributes 

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